We play with colors. You want to join in?
Entdecken, ausprobieren, experimentieren, selber machen: Im Farbenspiel fördern wir Kreativität und lassen Ideen wachsen. Gemeinsam lassen wir den Alltag hinter uns und geben der Farbe, den Formen und unserer Fantasie Raum. Ganz ohne Stress, Druck und Erwartungen.
Explore, try out, experiment, create: At the Farbenspiel, we encourage creativity and let ideas grow. Together we leave everyday life behind and give space to colors, shapes and our imagination. Free from any stress, pressure or expectations.
In the Farbenspiel Kindermalkurs, we do not simply want to implement common and well-known motifs (house, car, tree), but to create our own motifs with imagination. We will be inspired by nature
and our environment: We see the ants crawling in the grass, the earthworm drilling in the ground, the worm nibbling in the apple, the water splashing out of the puddles and the colors shining at
sunset. Everyone chooses their own favorite motif. Of course, there are also tips and tricks on how to do it "by hand".